Department of Corrections: A Bridge to Employment Opportunities

Department of Corrections: A Bridge to Employment Opportunities Main 照片


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累犯是指曾经被监禁的人再次从事犯罪行为的倾向, resulting in reincarceration. 虽然原因很多,但有意义的就业与低累犯率高度相关. 

Despite a significant underst和ing of the role gainful employment can provide universally在明尼苏达州, 受到司法影响的个人在获得就业和适应监狱外生活方面面临许多障碍. 

明尼苏达州惩教部(DOC)管理着整个州的被监禁人口,但也在帮助个人重新进入社会方面发挥着重要作用. DOC工作释放计划提供了一个结构化的过渡期,为人们的成功做好准备, crime-free life once they return to the community. While the focus may be a path to employment, several DOC programs go deeper into the underlying causes of these barriers.

MINNCOR Industries

有酬工作的种子要从监禁期间的机会开始. MINNCOR Industries, located in 罗斯维尔, provides as many as 1,几年里有700名被监禁的人接受了工作技能培训,以支持他们的积极行为并成功地过渡到社区,而不需要纳税人的钱. 每个DOC设施通过与全州企业的关系专门提供工作技能培训机会, such as carpentry, 纺织品, 印刷, 仓库, 分布, upholstery 和 more. MINNCOR is 100% self-sufficient, producing the funding necessary to operate from its contracts with these businesses. 
“Our programs intend to provide self-esteem for these individuals, to develop belief in themselves 和 their direction after prison,” said Steve Hofstead, MINNCOR Industries 桥项目 Production Supervisor. 


Support toward gainful employment is necessary during 和 after incarceration. Initiated in 2006 under MINNCOR, DOC就业计划通过教育参与者获得和保持就业的工具和资源,提供工作准备和求职培训. Program participants' pre-release activities focus on work readiness assessments, 职业兴趣, skills identification 和 job search training. 释放后的服务包括与每个人定期举行长达一年的后续会议,讨论求职计划, provide specific job leads 和 offer referrals to community partners.
平均, 每年约有750名参与者参加该计划,直到该计划因缺乏资金而停止. 该项目于2022年在DOC再就业服务部门下恢复,并继续由MINNCOR Industries全额资助.

EMPLOY’s effectiveness is quite significant, as a 最近的研究 indicated completing the program reduced reincarceration by 59%. 研究结果表明,那些完成了“就业培训”的人更有可能在出狱后的两年内找到工作.

另外, 《爱博love体育》教育雇主雇佣与司法有关的个人的好处以及如何做到这一点. 雇佣工作开发人员与全州的雇主合作,帮助确定他们的劳动力需求和必要的技能, 经验, training or certifications they require of c和idates. They also discuss Fair Chance hiring practices 和 inform employers about the Work Opportunity Tax CreditFederal Bonding Employer Incentives.

有兴趣雇用受司法影响的个人的雇主必须有政策和文化来反映和支持他们的利益. Specifically, hiring practices should reflect the legalities around Ban the Box 和 U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission guidelines for hiring this population, with as a good resource to answer questions. 

“我在这些雇主所在的地方与他们会面,参观他们的设施,了解他们的业务,同时向他们介绍就业计划,” said Jennifer Gast, EMPLOY Job Developer. “困难在于找到足够多的具备相应技能、渴望在公司工作的人才.” 


In partnership with the Work Release Program, MINNCOR开展了“墙外”桥梁计划,帮助工作释放参与者成功地过渡到社会. 这个为期三个月的项目为个人提供工作介绍和工作技能培训,以弥合从惩教到在惩教设施以外的环境中就业的差距. 另外, Bridge为明尼苏达州当地的公司提供分包劳动力资源,这些公司希望扩大业务,而不需要高昂的员工成本和空间需求.

“Bridge为这些人提供了时间,让他们为最终获释做准备,比自己出去更成功。,霍夫斯特德说。. “Everything is done for you in prison, so this gives them time to underst和 how to do things themselves.”

对桥感兴趣的个人必须符合工作发布资格,并表示有兴趣参加桥. While assigned to one of six halfway houses around the metro area, participants work with their Work Release Agent, 案例管理员, 和 report to the Bridge facility at MINNCOR Industries, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. 到下午3:30.m.  目标是让参与者参与到Bridge的标准发布日期. Individuals participate in three main activities in the Bridge program:

  • Work skills training, including mock interviews, resume writing 和 general presentation to employers.
  • Onsite tasks earning a modest income 和 bringing funding into the program.
  • EMPLOY services tailored to job search 和 interview skills.


In a reality where employers cannot find enough qualified workers, justice-impacted individuals are an untapped resource.

“这些男人和女人想要在监禁后的生活中工作并取得成功,” said JoAnn Brown, DOC Community Reentry Services Project Supervisor. “但如果没有支持来指导他们,帮助他们建立在雇主面前展示自己的信心, 他们在获得和维持就业方面可能不像我们所希望的那样成功.”

Ramsey County 劳动力 Services has numerous programs aimed at helping employers find qualified workers, including justice-impacted individuals. 联系 us today to learn more about Fair Opportunities, 爱博体育手机版下载和爱博体育手机版下载劳动力创新委员会在信息方面的合作, 资源和活动,以帮助雇主更好地了解雇用受刑事司法系统影响的个人的价值.